Khao Khun Krathing Caves

Khao Khun Krathing Caves are located in the grounds of Wat Tham Khao Khun Krathing, just 12km south of Chumphon Town along Highway 41. The temple is on the right where you will see two large bulls on the boundary fence. Hard to miss as the temple is situated under the first large escarpment you see and is right beside the highway.
Access has been made to two caves at the base of the escarpment. The first is 30m above ground level with cement stairs leading to the entrance. 
The 'Caves & Caving in Thailand' website has referenced this as Cave No. CP0007.
A small through cave with a few religious statues placed inside.
This is a wet cave and has good examples of stalagmite growth.
The stalagmite growth is quick in this cave with even good amount of limestone having been deposited on these steps.
To the north of the first cave a cement pathway leads under the escarpment.
About 200 meters along this pathway you will find a second cave sealed by a steel mesh door (did not find the cave locked).
The second cave is small and has been made into a shrine. 
The 'Caves & Caving in Thailand' website has referenced this as Cave No. CP0008.
After the second cave the pathway continues further along the escarpment. Through the trees you can just make out Chumphon town.
 Along the way you will see this statue. The path finally comes out on the other side of the temple complex. Watch your step for the stairway is rather steep in this section.
