Silawan Cave
Silawan Cave is in the grounds of Tham Silawan Monastery and is 44km north of Chumphon town. Take Highway 4 for some 38km till you reach Tha Sae. Turn right at the intersection onto road No. 3201, signposted for the airport, and travel about 6km till a dirt road on your right.
On the road into the Priest's Camp Site you pass this rather nice statue.
The cave entrance can be found about 100m on the right from this statue.
In the loft of the entrance chamber can be found two large Buddha statues.
A 20m passageway leads you through to a large chamber.
The large chamber has been made into a place of worship.
A lot of work has been carried out here for when we visited the cave back in 2016 this chamber looked like this.
The 'Caves & Caving in Thailand' website has referenced this as Cave No. CP0078.
Just to the right of the cave entrance are these three Buddha images.
If you venture round the hill to the left of the cave entrance you will find these statues.
And opposite these statues on a small hill you will find a statue of Buddha protected by 7 Naga. Have to venture into the rubber plantation to get a good view.On the road into the Priest's Camp Site you pass this rather nice statue.
Just to the right of the cave entrance are these three Buddha images.
If you venture round the hill to the left of the cave entrance you will find these statues.
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