Huai Klang Cave

Location:  10.1824687, 98.9199329
Huai Klang Cave is located within the grounds of Wat Tham Huai Klang and is 78 Km south of Chumphon town. Take Highway 41 from Chumphon town for some 50 km til you reach the Khao Pip intersection (a Tesco store is on the right just before the intersection). Turn right at the intersection onto road No. 4139 and travel 25 km to the village of Khao Thalu. In the village turn left at the crossroads onto road No. 4014 and travel about 2 Km taking the road to the right.
Follow this road for 1Km and you should see the temple on the right. The cave is behind the buildings were a path and steps take you across a stream and through the Monk huts.
The 'Caves & Caving in Thailand' website has referenced this as Cave No. CP0064.
The entrance to the cave is guarded by two tiger statues, one forming a sort of doorway. Difficult to see the doorway due to all the plants.
Huai Klang Cave is a S shaped through cave, on two levels, passing through a small limestone hill.
The entrance chamber (about 10 meters in) has been make into an area for worship with a number of religious statues.
In left corner of the entrance chamber is a passageway further into the cave.
The passageway goes in about 5 meters and opens up into a large L shaped chamber. Take care here as there is a 3 meter drop. When we visited the ladder down was broken so to enter this part of the cave requires going round to the other side of the hill.
To get to the other entrance of the cave you have to walk round the hill to its eastern side. A pathway of concrete filled motorbike tires forms the path and takes you up to the cave.
Good number of formations and varying colours found in this part of the cave.
Found a number of bats in this cave.

The motorbike tire path actually circles all the way round the hill, making a nice nature trail.
