Khao Lak Cave

Location:  10.249954, 98.9226713
Khao Lak Cave is located within the grounds of Tham Ruesi Priest's Camp Site and is 82Km south of Chumphon town. Take Highway 41 from Chumphon town for some 50km til you reach the Khao Pip intersection (a Tesco store is on the right just before the intersection). Turn right at the intersection onto road No. 4139 and travel 25km to the village of Khao Thalu. In the village turn right at the crossroads and travel about 4Km taking the road to the left. Follow this road for 1Km, turn right and after 1km the entrance to the Camp site is on the left.
The 'Caves & Caving in Thailand' website has referenced this as Cave No.  CP0112. Not sure of the name of the cave or the Camp Site. Tham Ruesi is also the name of the temple further up the road.
The cave is really not much more than a rock overhang at the base of a small limestone hill. 
 It is possible to walk around the hill in about 20 minutes.
