Horseshoe Valley Nature Reserve


Location - 10.467968, 99.049251

Horseshoe Valley Nature Reserve is 18 km from Chumphon Town. Head out of Chumphon on Road 327 and then Road 4 towards Ranong. Some 10 km along Road 4 turn left on to Road No 2005 (there's a Police booth on the right). Follow Road 2005 for about 3 km and take this road to the left.
Travel down this road for 2 km and take the first road to the right. 200 m turn right again and this road will end at the Nature Reserve.
Horseshoe Valley is a narrow valley sided by tall steep limestone cliffs in the shape, as the name suggests, a horseshoe. A fence has been erected which closes off the valley and contains the Javan rusa deer. Sadly on our visit we did not see any deer but did notice plenty of hoof marks in the soft soil. To enter the park you go through the gateway. 
As you walk up into the valley the pathway takes through what is raw jungle.
There is loads to see. We found these large mushrooms on a trunk of a large fallen tree. They were the size of dinner plates.
A land crabs home.
And you will find many species of tree. One even where the roots come out of the ground.
However our main reason for visiting was that within the cliffs that line the valley are a number of caves. Spent a good time exploring them.
Load more photos can be found in this album -

Tamsabai Resort posted this drone photo of the valley.
