Ban Thong Tanot Beach

Location -

Ban Thong Tanot Beach is 52km south of Chumphon. Take Highway 41 from Chumphon town for some 36km until you reach the junction for the 4003, signposted to Sawi. At the traffic lights in Sawi turn right and travel down road 4003 for 10km until you reach this junction. There is a row of shops on the right.

Take the un-named road to the right and travel down this road for 4km. There is a crossroads where you go straight over. The road runs right along the beach.
Ban Thong Tanot Beach is 1000m of sandy beach between between two headlands. Trees line the beach which offer shade however the water remains shallow for a long way out which is not great for swimming. Liked by fishermen and regularly see them laying their nets.

Certainly very scenic.
There are good views out to a number of islands. This is Maeo Island with Nu Island behind it.
And to the right you can see the bigger Ko Kula Island.
