Baan Koh Teab Beach
Location -
Baan Koh Teab Beach is some 83km from Chumphon Town. Take road No. 3180 out of Chumphon Town. After 21km turn right onto road No. 3201 which forms part of the "Scenic Route". You will see these signs along the road.
Follow the "Scenic Route" on roads 3201, 4004, 3253 and the 4015. 3Km past Wat Kaeo Prasert turn right, Wat Tham Tong is on the left.
Follow this road for 4km where it ends at the beach.Across the bay you can see the big Buddha on the hill above Wat Kaeo Prasert.Nice beach here which slops gently making it safe for kids.At the eastern end of the beach can be found some mangrove trees.
Viewing straight out you can see the island of Ko Phra.
To the left is the smaller island of Ko Yo.
To the right side of the beach near the fishing boats is this sea stack.
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