Khao Noi Stupa

Location -

Khao Noi Stupa is located within the grounds of Tham Khao Noi Monastery and is 10km from Chumphon town. Take Road No 2018 for 8km south of the town till you reach a road to your left, just after a bend.

Continue on this road to the left for 2km till you come to a small hill. The stupa is on the northern side of the hill and there is a large concrete standing in front. 

Here you will find a number of religious statues. To the left of these statues are the steps up to the stupa. Take care for the steps are very step in places and the first section has no handrail.

At the top of the steps you will find a large golden stupa. Sadly with the small surrounding platform it was difficult to photograph the whole stupa.
At each corner of the stupa can be found a pillar, 4 in total.
To the side of the stupa is this bell house.
With the high elevation you have a good view looking northwards over the plantations towards Chumphon town.
